Friday, September 5, 2008

Whoever or Whatever said Pornography ain't educational doesn't have a clue what he/she/it is talking about!

I went to a Catholic Convent School since I was in Kindergarten.
Now I can tell you I am the good catholic girl but then I am not that much into lying.
[*Statutory Warning : Statement not up for any untoward misinterpretations or malacious rumormongering.
If caught, I can and I will sue you for defamation ]
Anyways the point is myself and my classmates had a pretty much strait-laced upbringing.
And mostly as young girls we didn't give a hoot about boys in any case
They were just dirty nasty things that didn't know the first thing about Barbies
And hence didn't deserve any mention whatsoever [those good old days! :D]
I loved the Sisters at school.
They wore pristine white tunics;
Told us to fold our hands in prayer or onto our laps while sitting on a chair.
They taught us table etiquette and to tuck a napkin in our collars while eating.
Anyways the point is I used to look upto them.
And think they would make good kindly Mothers, not anything like the ones all of us suffered at home.
And that brought me straight to wondering:
Heck! Why weren't they?
Mothers I mean?
They seemed amply qualified for the job than most others if you asked me!
I started researching on this grave injustice right away.
And came up with a naught!!!
[ I did mention I didn't know that many boys back then, now didn't I?
Hence the naught ]
I could only conclude that God must have some kinda register or something into which he wrote down which of the girls became Sisters and which became Mothers.
Now I have told you I loved Sisters and all...
And that I didn't think much of Mothers as a race...
But well...I still didn't want to be named under the heading Sisters in that register
I would rather be under Mothers
I mean I really thought I could improve their standards by actually being one of them and showing them the right way of going about things.
You just had to ask my Barbie to know what I mean.
In any case, each night I prayed very hard.
I told God I loved the Sisters and Him that offense
But please I would rather be a Mother
I mean the latter really could do with someone setting some standards
While the former had plenty of excellent representation.
Stands to logic. Nah?
Imagine my relief when I came across my first Mills & Boons novel!!!
[WHAT u guys? Don't raise the eyebrow!!!
Absolutely EVERYONE reads them!
And Mother! Wait! I can totally explain! (*gulp!)]
Now! Whoever or Whatever said Pornography ain't educational contact me asap
I have a score to settle with you.
Big time!