Thursday, September 4, 2008


If I could give an honest answer to the question sometimes asked of me:
"What made you interested in the Sciences in the first place?" :::

Someone once told me the earth was round like a balloon when I was a kid.
I started wondering how then did the rocket pierce the earth to get to space without, you know, deflating it?
I got seriously scared when Someone then laughed and explained to me we lived on the surface of the earth and not in it!
I mean, then I could just tumble off the surface , what with all the floating around in space that the earth did?!!!
I might have even cried.
Mortified, Someone then soothed me saying that the earth loved me very very much and wouldn't ever let go of me.
I looked at Someone with big big teary eyes and wanted to believe in him very very much.
But I didn't trust the treacherous Earth.
Uh-ah! Not one bit!
And I did my very very best never to offend it.
I never stamped my foot very hard.
I never dug a hole.
And I never plucked a plant.
People thought I was a very very disciplined kid.
They even told my mother so who couldn't make head or tail of it either.
But the matter of fact is, I was only trying very very hard not to offend someone who could then just let go of me so that I tumbled off into nothing.
I grabbed on to the concept of gravity and clung to it very very tight when I first heard of it.
And I have been secretly in love with Newton ever since.
That is how I came to love the Sciences.
And that is how I came to stamping my feet very very hard too.
And that is the honest answer I sometimes crave to give to the aforementioned question.
But then someone or the other will think I am crazy.
And then I would lose my job.
And then I would be very very hungry.
So, I always make up some cock and bull story to that question.
And people just lap it up.
Weirdos, nah?