Monday, November 17, 2008

Perfect. Predictable. Hence either Perfectly predictable or Predictably perfect ! lol

When I started blogging I seriously intended to do just that in all seriousness. Blog ie. Put in an blog entry everyday.
You see I have all these tiny voices in my head who think that its perfectly normal to keep going blah blah blah all the time in a girl's head and quite seriously sometimes they drive me mad!!!!
It becomes so very very hard to THINK in such times!!!!
Found out it helps to write then....
Hence a journal in the days before
And hence this blog right now.
Anyways the point is I had every intention to blog regularly when I started out but well as you can see that hadn't quite worked out the way it was intended to over the past month or so.
And the reason...well the reason is the obvious one
I was fooling around with this thing call LOVE
U say....
I know
Ok news is I am not in love
But yes I thought I was ;)
If you were my best friend you'd say "Details please, and make it every tiny nitty gritty detail"
Ok so here goes...
One fine morning I woke up and I decided I needed to be kissed
Yes you heard me right.
I mean I am twenty four, moreorless attractive, moreorless well on the career path, moreorless funny, moreorless agreeable, moreorless have lived out about one-third of as much as an average Indian lives in present day times...well actually quite a bit more than that ( life expectancy in India presently hovers somewhere between 60-61 years *sigh)
So dont you think it's perfectly justified that by this time I know who the ONE is?
I mean cheeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz!
I got loads to do with a soulmate
And as usual am running short on time here!!!!
Ok now I think I have given you enough explanations and intellectualism
And if your eyebrow still hasn't come down from the height it had climbed with "needed to be kissed" line then well....well, either you haven't ever been twenty-four or it's have been quite some time since. Whatever.
Anyways like I was saying I thought it was high time I found Mr. Neo Anderson....the One ie
So like every other computer savvy 24 year old....ummmmmmm actually make that like every other computer savvy alive creature ( of whatever age) I started exploring the one and all powerful Cyber World for answers to one of the greatest (possibly THE greatest) dilemma of all times...LOVE!
And I found it.
Obviously on a social networking site.
Where else do you find anything worth finding these days anyways?
Minimal fuss being the keyword in modern times...everything, absolutely everything is just a click away ;)
So this guy, my Neo ie was everything a Neo ought to be....young, handsome, charming, sexy, quick-witted, funny, clean-shaven, blue-eyed, a man in uniform....aye aye sir! u heard that right... a man in uniform with this really really huge gun fighting it out in possibly the most controversial wars of our times...the Iraq war...all alone in a "god-forsaken land" somewhere, in the middle of a desert, guarding or searching or god knows doing what with this "weapons of mass destruction" that George W Bush swears by! And claiming with all his heart that he loved me...loved me despite us being from two entirely different continents to begin with, despite being millions & millions of miles away (ummmmmm....dont know exactly the distance between Calcutta, India and "somewhere" in a dessert in Iraq but I bet it runs into "millions & millions of miles"....and even if it doesnt will you just shut up and not interfere while I am telling a tale? You throw me soooooooo off the flow here....see?)
Anyways so like I was saying Neo here was fighting this controversial war in the middle of a desert and longing to have "someone to go back home to"
Understandable sentiment isnt it?....Very I'd say.
And to top it all he told me how he never had a ever.
His childhood was spend in and out of numerous foster homes and children homes while those who should have been his near and dear ones refused to admit he exsisted until finally the state decided he was too grown up and too messed up to be in the homes and kicked him out to fend for himself whereupon he joined the army and have been fighting for World Peace ever since.
Sad tale isnt it?
Enough to melt any heart.
And well mine melts a whole lot easier than most
So well there you had it....
It was perfect.
The wronged scarred brave soldier in a faraway desert fighting a war that wasnt his own but which he was nonetheless honour bound to fight longing for love he had never known, longing for a soulmate.
And oh yea add to that the camouflage patterned uniform, combat boots, blue eyes and automatic rifles
What girl ever stood a chance?
And did I mention "Baby, I love you"
Oh what an unforgivable oversight!
Add that atleast about 20 times in a day
so now you get the picture right?
Which Neo was ever more Neo?????????
I was seriously worried!
A Perfect man!
God damn!
And on Cyber Space!
What do I do?
"We are continents apart" I say....."So what?" he says "I can move to India"
WHAT? I think
"What about your family?" I say...."What family?"he asks "I have none....but WE will have one, baby"
OH CRAP! The foster home thing....what ARE foster homes anyways? I think
"What are you gonna do here?" I ask....." I will love you to death" he vows
"Ummmmmmmmm no as in for a living?" I ask....."We will work something out" he says " We got Love"
Oh yea! Really Yummy!!! I think
God! This guy was Perfect and he was completely freaking me out!!!!!
I know
I know
What you are thinking.....
I am scum
I have to agree
Imagine my relief then when I find out that Mr. Neo Anderson is lying!
Lying left right and centre
Lying to atleast 2 other girls on the same social networking site
2 other girls are being promised " love you till death" by MY Neo
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee am so happieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
For a split second there
I actually thought I had found the Perfect Guy
Welcome the ever Predictable Guy
welcome welcome WELCOME
Boy! You had me scared!
I thought Men had STOPPED LYING!
God forbid!!!
What's a girl to do when such a day arrives???
So I say it was PERFECT while it lasted
It was PREDICTABLE the way it ended (phewwwwwww!!!!)
So its either Perfectly predictable or Predictably perfect
Either ways am soooooooooooooo happieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
yay yay yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Welcome to the Cyber Age :-))))))